Friday, October 18, 2019

My First Historical Fiction Story: "The Assyrian Siege Of Jerusalem" (701 BC)

So, that's it! I've officially just published my very first piece of historical fiction work. If you haven't already read the title of this post, it's about one of the most celebrated Jewish Kings of the Old Testament, King Hezekiah, and the events surrounding the Assyrian siege of Jerusalem. It's taken a lot of research from a bunch of different sources (and it's gone through the editing process pretty much 100 times), but hey, that's the writing process for you. I'm glad it's done- I'm really happy with how it came out, but please read it yourself and let me know if you have any comments or questions (constructive comment section at the end of the story).

As you'll see when you click on the page (in the horizontal crossbar), it starts of with "Author's introduction", where I talk a little bit about the inspiration and process of writing the story. Then, it's the story itself, followed finally by the "Historical notes". I advise you to read all three in that order to get a well-rounded view of what I was going for, as well as to allow me to explain the history and my interpretation of it.

Not sure what I'm going to do next, but I thought I might have a go at writing about the Spanish conquest of Peru. I lived in Peru for 3 years, so I already know a lot of local history from the area. That might be the next place to go. But, that's not definite yet- after all, there is so much history yet to explore! I'll post here again when I've made my final decision.

But, in the meantime, I hope you enjoy my first story, and please share it online with people you think would like reading it, too.

Phil Raymond

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